Just a reminder of the club working bee on 22/11/14 from 9:00am. Come along and lend a hand with tidying up the ranges, camping area and amenities. Many hands make light work so make sure you get along.
Also make sure you fill out the pre nomination form on the wall of you are attending our Branch Xmas Shoot the following week 29 & 30/11/14.
Macleay Valley Archers Inc is a family focused archery club that shoots the ABA, 3D and IFAA archery games. Our members range in age from eight to over seventy. We have monthly trips away to interclub shoots. If bow hunting is of interest we have an accredited bow hunting instructor. The club has 3 accredited coaches. We meet at our Tamban Range every Saturday & start shooting about 1:30pm. If you are a beginner please try to be at the ranges around 12 noon so you can spend some time with one of our coaches. You are most welcome.