Lets start with the negatives. Firstly I have lost the results so I can't give you the scores & only some Placings.
Pathetic, lousy, discouraging, apathetic, disgusting, disappointing, soul destroying are some ways to describe the turn up from our sister clubs. 34 starters 16 from Macleay, 4 from Manning, nil from Namoi ( Flooding ), 2 from Avon Plus Peter & Lynne who didn't shoot, 6 from Hunter, Nil from SAS, 4 from Moontera, nil from Boolaroo, 2 from Tuggerah a club with only about 6 members. Now for the good bits:- fantastic, awesome, incredible, super, unbelievable, magnificent & supercalafragalistic don't even come close to describing the weekend. Toilets flushing tick, food wow, Ranges tick, socialising tick, decorations tick, raffle prizes tick, weather tick tick tick, scores tick. I am now in my mid sixties and have played sport competitively since about the age of 12 as a result I have been in many clubs both as a member and as a committee member indeed I am a life member of 2 clubs, the only reason I mention all this is I just wonder if the general membership realises how special the Macleay club is. Everybody likes to see a club member do well even if they themselves haven't set the world on fire. The junior members are nice people to be with and are happy to help when asked. There is no backbiting or behind the scenes assassination attempts, everybody contributes as best they can. One family left whilst several of us were sitting around, somebody said "what a lovely family" and every body agreed. That seems to be the general feeling we all share for each other. Now lets talk about the canteen Narelle, Karen, Neil, Gloria & Cathie take a bow what a fantastic job you did, all with a smile and production like efficiency, it was good to bask in the good feelings your efforts created. Please notice I haven't mentioned Karen & Neil's rather horny Saturday night. Neil was a little limp in the horns from very early in the evening. The courses were great, even if I could have used a map to get around, just shows you can't stay away for to long. On a sad note I got thrashed by a young lady who couldn't remember to take her bow with her when she entered the range. It was funny watching her jog back to the muster point shouting " Don't shoot, Don't shoot". The same young lady and her Hubby camped so far away they nearly got hit by the north bound interstate train and called a taxi to get to the club house. Garry got the better of Steve in their on going tussel, Cup cake shot the best scores she has ever put in on an ABA weekend. Sunday's round was fun although it probably made it a little hard to catch those that may have been ahead. Finally in an incredible display of fire power Teabag finally got the better of Grandad. The axe and knife went longer than the 3arrow round, the new area allowed us all to watch and those competing could still feel like they were part of the group. The Collambatti Cane Toad shoot went really well and looks like becoming a regular fixture. All in all a great weekend. Thanks Darrin and co for the flushing toilets. Sorry to anybody I have missed it isn't intentional.
Cheers Teabag
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