Monday, January 31, 2011

Gossip from the sticks

Hi all I just received an email from "don't mention me Steve" Now most people would be just so excited at having tied with old fart but not DMMS, he felt he needed more practice. So in a fit of enthusiasm he headed of to Pipers Creek to let his arrows fly from 80 yards, Sounds like IFAA practice to me, well he achieved another Personnal Best. He Robin hooded a shaft from 80 yards funny part, well it was funny if you weren't paying for the arrows, the shaft wasn't in the target face but slightly of to the side. Still on the bale but not the face.
Sad part from my point of view was that he hadn't had time to install his new wraps
Thanks for the email Steve

Saturday, January 29, 2011

ABA 3 arrow round 29/1/11

Gee I enjoyed today, great weather & great company just how can it get any better. Our club coach still has a few secrets left, hence he beat me yet again. Hope my turn comes soon.
The scores indicate that everybody enjoyed the day and close results followed. I would like to say how well Karen shot. We don't get the pleasure of her company as often as we would like & I think her score was top drawer. Well done Karen.
Scores Feathers Dave & Coins Alastair 380, Grandad Cec 378, Don't mention me Steve & Old Fart Mike 374, Executive Chef Darrin 372, Karen 368, Gary 366, Scribe Neil 340, Old dryfire Gloria 314, Samual 240:
Next week:-
AFTER the shoot will be a club meeting. There will be a working bee Sunday Feb 13th in the AM.
On the 6th March we will be holding a Bowhunting Proficency Certificate Course. Go to the hunting page for further details.
Feathers has done a fantastic job on the Axe & Knife blocks. Nobody but him is allowed to hit them.....Only kidding
cheers For now.
see you all soon

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Thanks to the club coach

I just wanted to say thank you to our club coach who spent a few hours with me yesterday in an effort to correct a few problems I had developed. What makes this so special is I have made no secret of how excited I get when I get close to & on one occasion actually beat Grandad. For those that don't know Grandad & the club coach are the same person. How's that for dedication to the club & the sport of archery. Cec I had a great time enjoyed your company immensely. THANKS

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

General Meeting

Please don't forget that our meeting is set down for the first weekend in Feb 2011 at the club before the shoot. Now if you are going to the 30/30 at Maitland we have 2 choices put our meeting back a week or you can table anything you want discussed with Grandad Cec or myself and we will make sure it is discussed.I only list myself as a contact because my email address is on the contacts list. If a large number of members are travelling to Maitland let us know via the comments button and we can try to move the meeting date. Our first shoot back is on the last weekend in January.
cheers Old fart

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Would you like this

I just read a post on the ABA website by Gary. The general thrust I think was that members would like to learn more about bow tuning & maintenance. My question is are there any members who would like this type of information & are there any members who would like to pass this type of information along, in a relaxed atmosphere. Perhaps an informal teaching situation followed by a BBQ. If we get few or no comments rethis we can assume nobody is interested.Except maybe Gary & I.
cheers Mike