Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Branch IFAA titles at Avon 24/9/11

Hi all, a massive contingent of Macleay archers travelled to Avon for the IFAA branch titles, When I say massive I am simply referring to the waist line of Teabag, not the numbers who travelled. Cup cake & Tea bag had a great time. Unfortunately only 39 archers turned up for the titles. Saturday was beautiful weather whilst Sunday was the more familiar RAIN. Despite the rain most people really enjoyed themselves with the presentation being a very relaxed affair.

Top Macleay score for the weekend was Teabag, yes I know there was only 2 of us.Scores for the weekend were Cup cake- Hunter 388PB, Field 351 total 739PB 1st place. Teabag Hunter469, field 464, total 933 1st place

Cheers Teabag

PS I will let you know what happened at the club as soon as I know.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

ABA 3 arrow 17/9/11

Hi all quick bit of housekeeping, our monthly meeting has been put back a week due to the state ABA titles at Hunter Bowmen. So the meeting will be 8/10/11 at midday.

In the 12 months Teabag has been doing this blog, regular readers will have noticed the pure, quality journalism, the deep desire for truth and accuracy in each and every article, a fact that sets him apart from his peers, it makes him the Andrew Bolt of the Archery blogs. Feared by many and it's true to say loathed by a few. Well it has come to light that a rather disturbing and somewhat frightening trend has surfaced in the club.......it concerns the Feathered Fingers clan. As you know our club is home to Feathers & Fingers, well dear reader read on and tremble with fear & concern. My first story concerns the patriarch "Fingers" Members be warned shoot with Fingers at your peril. By way of explanation Last week a group of four, with Fingers as their leader set of to shoot 20 targets ONLY 2 FINISHED, this week 4 set of again with fingers as the leader only 3 finished. The only logical conclusion one can draw is Fingers puts the moz on his group. Explanation 2 revolves around the battle hardened "Feathers". Now feathers has a shooting style that can only be described as robotic. At indoor shaft after shaft crash into the X ring, indeed I think he has shot a perfect round. His form is repetitive to the point of being boring, every shot is the same as the last. Well it turns out that fingers rather fancies Dryfires cupcakes and since Dryfire was having a well earned rest from me this weekend she hadn't made any cupcakes. This played on Feathers mind and as he strolled to the first target the thoughts started to collide. He stepped up to the peg still visualizing the non existent cupcakes which in turn caused him to briefly think of Dryfire which led to the subconscious thinking dryfire.....New PSE 70# brought back to full draw, other members of the group ducking for cover whilst screaming "Don't shoot no arrow" was enough to bring feathers back to reality with no damage done. As I feel somewhat responsible for Feathers trying to take out his entire group in one massive explosion of Parts Scattered Everywhere I will, henceforth refer to Dryfire as Cupcake.

One final thing Grandad again wiped the floor with Teabag, the margin was so big it cost teabag a can of Coke as well as a cuppa. Geez I dislike that slime green Bow.

Scores were:-Grandad Cec 384, Don't tie with me Brett 384, DJ Gene 380, Mad Max Stuart 374, Feathers Dave 374, Don't mention me Steve 366, Home Brew Garry 362, Pee Wee Josh 360PB, Teabag 348, Fingers Ray 274, The Butcher Peter 252DNF.
Till next time Cheers Teabag

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Scores from Sat. see second post for write up

A big thanks to Garry for the scores. Gee a lot of archers must have gone home happy. The scores are most unusual the highest only being 378, with 6 shooters in the 370+ area. janelle Kitchen, Kate Scott, Peter Scott, Josh Scott & Zac Ward were stand outs, well done. Sam Davies scored 244 which is pretty impressive for a new comer to archery and finally just as well I left early or I would have been making more tea for Grandad, well done Cec. Whilst talking about Grandad had he shot badly, he would have needed the GDP from a small African country to pay all his soft drink and tea wagers.

Scores ABA 3 arrow.

Home brew Garry 378, Feathers Dave 378, Grandad Cec 376, Don't tie with me Brett 376, Don't mention me Steve 376, BP Glenn 374, Scibe Neil 356, Peawee Josh 352, Princess Kate 348, Banana Rama Mick 346, River Park Gary 346, Janelle 344, Macksville Dan 340, Miss fire Peter 324, Sixpence Zac 320, Fingers Ray 316, Tray bit Zac 262, Play it again Sam 244.

Martin, Gloria & Teabag DNF

Monday, September 12, 2011

Saturday 10/9/11 ABA 3 arrow

Hi all, sorry this is late and just to add insult to injury I don't have the scores either. Gary rang to say he would email them to me so I will add them when I get them. What a beautiful day, the club was really throbbing with excitement. Everybody was happy & really reflected the beautiful weather. We had 3 female archers Kate, Janelle & Gloria plus Cathie helped out around the club with all the mundane things that go on, Thanks Girls. Gloria really enjoyed having girly company for a change. Peter shot really, really, well and scored over 300 with all but 1 target shot from the red peg. Don't forget it is his first time around the course ( I think). All his family appear to be above average beginners. Somewhere about 20 archers wondered around the course and by all accounts all enjoyed the day. I believe the range captain once again managed to confuse & bewilder most archers. Well done Dave. I have to say you are one of the few range captains who doesn't mind setting minimum distance shots. Will post the scores soon.

Cheers Teabag

Sunday, September 4, 2011

ABA 3 Arrow 3/9/11

Hi all what a great day. Dryfire was still a little sea sick after her off shore fishing adventure, a gift given to her last Christmas, from her loving hubby. It has turned in to the gift that just keeps on giving. I found the course really interesting, I think that's the word to use when in reality the range captain has set a course that leaves you completely confused. To put it bluntly by target 6 I had had enough, so spat the dummy and retired to the club house for my afternoon nap. Well done Dave. Some people didn't have to much trouble Marty, Dave, Ray & Brett all shot really well. Zac & Jack both shot PB's & Gloria put in one of her best scores for quite a while. The meeting ran smoothly and a come & try weekend is in the planning stage for October 15 & 16.

Our 5 year plan took a step closer to reality.

Scoresfor the weekend are:- Martin Mc Fly 394, Feathers Dave 388, Don't tie with me Brett 380, Home Brew Garry 372, Grandad Cec 366, Banana Rama Mick 366, Chef Darrin 356, DJ Gene 356, Fingers Ray 342, Mad Max Stuart 342, Dry Fire Gloria 316, Tray Bit Zac 286PB, Little Jack 110PB, Teabag DNF

Cheers & Shoot well Tea Bag