Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Branch IFAA titles at Avon 24/9/11

Hi all, a massive contingent of Macleay archers travelled to Avon for the IFAA branch titles, When I say massive I am simply referring to the waist line of Teabag, not the numbers who travelled. Cup cake & Tea bag had a great time. Unfortunately only 39 archers turned up for the titles. Saturday was beautiful weather whilst Sunday was the more familiar RAIN. Despite the rain most people really enjoyed themselves with the presentation being a very relaxed affair.

Top Macleay score for the weekend was Teabag, yes I know there was only 2 of us.Scores for the weekend were Cup cake- Hunter 388PB, Field 351 total 739PB 1st place. Teabag Hunter469, field 464, total 933 1st place

Cheers Teabag

PS I will let you know what happened at the club as soon as I know.

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