Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Scores from Sat. see second post for write up

A big thanks to Garry for the scores. Gee a lot of archers must have gone home happy. The scores are most unusual the highest only being 378, with 6 shooters in the 370+ area. janelle Kitchen, Kate Scott, Peter Scott, Josh Scott & Zac Ward were stand outs, well done. Sam Davies scored 244 which is pretty impressive for a new comer to archery and finally just as well I left early or I would have been making more tea for Grandad, well done Cec. Whilst talking about Grandad had he shot badly, he would have needed the GDP from a small African country to pay all his soft drink and tea wagers.

Scores ABA 3 arrow.

Home brew Garry 378, Feathers Dave 378, Grandad Cec 376, Don't tie with me Brett 376, Don't mention me Steve 376, BP Glenn 374, Scibe Neil 356, Peawee Josh 352, Princess Kate 348, Banana Rama Mick 346, River Park Gary 346, Janelle 344, Macksville Dan 340, Miss fire Peter 324, Sixpence Zac 320, Fingers Ray 316, Tray bit Zac 262, Play it again Sam 244.

Martin, Gloria & Teabag DNF

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