Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Very Hot Round

Wow, was Saturday hot or what? 14 of us, dragged ourselves around the Ant Hill Range to post some great scores despite the high temperature. There were personal best scores abounding. Sam Harwood shot fantastically to beat his own record. Ben Ward shot 80 pts better, Gene Shea, PB of 336 and Brett Hodgeman an unlucky 398 out of 400. He was on the 3rd last target and just missed the “A” zone, scoring only 18 points to dash his chance at the elusive 400 out of 400, maybe next week.
The scores were;
Men – Brett Hodgeman 398, Alastair Smedley 380, Cec Apps 370, Glenn Freeman 366, Neil Ussher 366, Gary Ward 330, Lenny McGlashan 284.
Ladies – Karen Smedley 346.
Juniors Boys –Jacob Fuit 380, Sam Harwood 340, Gene Shea 336, Ben Ward 330, Dion Ussher 232 (Bare Bow), Zac Ward 98.
A warm welcome (pardon the pun) to Zac Ward who gave competition archery a go for the first time. He shot quite well from the second peg (green peg) as he thought the 1st peg (yellow peg) was to close!
Remember our Christmas Party is set for the 19th of December and coincidently so is the AGM. All positions will be vacant for new blood. Don’t let that put you off coming to the party though. Looking forward to seeing you all there

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