Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Zone E 3D titles shoot @ Taree 13&14 Nov

To start with lets hope Matt had a great day. I guess getting married is a good excuse for the Hodgeman family not to shoot.
About 105 archers took part with only a small contingent from Macleay accepting the challenge, sorry Daniel but as yet I haven't been able to find your score, but I did notice you up the front at trophy time well done.
I really would like to find whoever left the furnace door open on Saturday afternoon, wondering around the Black range was like walking through death valley. All us oldies dragged ourselves back to camp looking & feeling totally wrecked. Uncle Cec sat there with a Rum & Coke strapped to his forhead, Darrin was the most subdued I have ever seen him seems his Ross River loved the heat. I went to bed and don't know what happened to the other mature aged archers. Our sub 20 years contingent acted like it was all a piece of cake. Oh to be young again. Poor old Cassandra decided it was a good time to get a virus and a touch of heat stroke. It would appear that after passing the virus on to the rest of the family and a bit of rest she is now on top of the world again.
In a major step forward Arron remembered his bow and as usual Jacob shot the highest score from the Macleay. I don't have any info re places but I will list the scores.
Jacob 394 392 786 1572
Cass 250 234 DNS 484
Gloria 328 284 534 1146
Dion 378 376 736 1490
David 382 374 748 1504
Glenn 362 362 758 1482
Darrin 378 324 758 1460
Cec 368 372 718 1458
Aaron 340 354 686 1380
Mike 338 320 760 1418
Cheers Mike

1 comment:

  1. Just received Daniels scores and don't know how to add to blog so this is the best I can do:
    Daniel Ward 334 330 626 total 1290
