Sunday, May 15, 2011

ABA 3 arrow 14th May

First off Happy Birthday Ray, nice to see old age is achievable. Apart from no milk the day went really well, even the black tea at the days end was pure nectar from the Gods. May be the fact that my humble servant had to make it. There was some discussion re 2points formally Old Fart re his nick name. the feeling was he should be called Tea Bag, so till further notice Tea Bag it is. I don't know about you but by mid arvo I needed a spotlight to see the target, it really got dull in the bush. A nice turn up of 17 toxophilites arrived to enjoy the company & for the third Saturday in a row something on the car broke, starting to get really annoying. Scores for the day were:-Martin McFly 386, Security Josh 378, Feathers Dave 376, Sponge Tim 372, Don't tie with me Brett 370, Home Brew Garry & Karate Matt 368, Tea Bag Mike 364, Bowless Aaron 362, Scribe Neil 360, Grandad Cec 358, BP Glenn 348, Fingers Ray 326, Pee Wee Josh 316, Pig Hunter Cooper 310, Old Dry Fire Gloria 262, Fair Maiden Cass DNF.

A couple of things to note, as far as I know this was only Pee Wee's second try at archery. Dammed good effort that. Fingers Ray shot bare bow, so he needs to be watched as well, may be a good set of hobbles. Fingers is Feathers father who frequently fires finely feathered shafts favourably.

Handicap results:

Brett 390.3, Dave 432.7, Cec 396.4, Mike 438.4, Garry 409.3, Neil 404.3, Matt 404, Aaron 405, Glenn 391.2, Josh 406, Tim 402, Gloria 382.2, Martin 400.5, Cooper 391.
If you shot your average you will have a score of 400. Each point you are above or below 400 indicates how much better or worse than your average you shot. for example Brett was 9.7 points below his average whilst Josh was 6 points above. Thanks Alastair for the results.

Cheers Tea Bag

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