Monday, October 1, 2012

ABA 3arrow 29th Sept

Hi all I am proud to announce the winner of this weeks shoot is.........C.... Hold that thought, I just remembered some other things.
Firstly don't forget next weekend is the come and try weekend. This should be a good time for all from the person who just wants to give it a go, to really old people like Granddad, Fingers & Yellow Peg. I just realised that 2weeks ago I celebrated 52 years of playing with a bow & arrow in a club scene. I can still remember my dear old Dad lecturing me about the cost and how this better not be a flash in the pan. Sorta wish he was still here so I could say "Told you so."
On Saturday 52,347 people turned up to give it a go, hope they can say "52 years ago I started at the Macleay Valley Archers." 2 separate families travelled all the way from Wollongong, which as we all know is the W in NSW. I don't think they knew each other but had heard about how friendly our club is so made the small effort to be here. I suppose they could have been here on holidays, nah that doesn't make sense.
At the end of the shoot I did my world famous impersonation of a landed fish closely followed by Cupcake leading the entire club on a bush walk.
Oh the joy and sounds of  happiness reverberated through the tranquil bush setting.
I would like to thank everybody for their efforts in finding Cupcakes eyes, for how else could she see my beauty. THANK YOU.

Now back to my original thought..... Hi all I am proud to announce the winner of this weeks shoot is.........Cola Karen.
Yes she finally did it again and this time Hubby didn't spoil the headline. for those that are interested I may have exaggerated the number of new comers, I think we had about 11 turn up. With so many and my tired befuddled brain just can't sort out who was who. I do know that several people had a great time including a family from the deep south who went round the range with us and also supplied their own bread when we ran out. I tried to explain we are a depressed area, so all is good.
Stuart brought a brand new but very large cannon to shoot. He offered to let me pull it back but at 82# draw weight my hemorrhoids would have been dragging on the ground. Thanks for the venison samples, they went down a treat.
Scores for the day:-
Cola Karen 378, Mad Max Stuart 372 PB, Coins Alastair 366, Granddad Cec 358, Teabag 350, CupCake Gloria 344, Fingers Ray 338 BB, Yellow Peg Stewart 328, Conrad 300, Linda 280, Lincon 278, Frier Tuck Gary 226, Jamilla 180, Builder Pete 166 BB
Till next time Cheers Teabag

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