Wednesday, February 20, 2013

9 Feb results

A busy day of archery at the club on 9th February, with another International Mail Match shoot in the morning, followed by a regular ABA round in the afternoon. Liam Crawford continues to make huge improvements with his shooting having moved from bare bow to the bowhunter division. His afternoon ABA round was a personal best, with many of the shots taken from the adult pegs rather than the junior ones, which meant longer shots.

We had several first time shooters at the club with some making use of the practice butts, and Ethan Delander and Alex Robinson shooting on the range in the afternoon.

Two Macleay members travelled to the Hunter for an ABA invitational shoot on 2 February, with Cec Apps winning the veterans sighted division, and Brett Hodgman coming second in the mens bowhunter unlimited flight 1 division.

Indoor Scores (Max 300): Alastair Smedley 292, Martin Ussher 285, Karen Smedley 282, Garry Ward 281, Liam Crawford 263, Ray McManus 193, Bruce Crawford 172, Donald Osborne 129.

ABA Scores (Max 400): Brett Hodgman 388, Alastair Smedley 382, Cec Apps 378, Liam Crawford 374 (PB), Glenn Freeman 368, Chris Garrett 354, Ray McManus 334, Stuart Bennington 326, Donald Osborne 308 (PB), Jake McElwaine 304 (PB), Ethan Delander 258 (PB), Bruce Crawford 248, Alex Robinson 244 (PB) Bailey McElwaine, 238, Kath Hodgman 218 (PB), Nic Garrett 212, Jake Garrett 110,

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