Tuesday, August 13, 2013

2 arrow shoot 9/8/13

The second Eco Shoot saw scores fluctuate during the round.  One miss is expensive, loosing 16 points straight away. Visitor Ken Smith found this out, by just over-estimating the distance slightly on one target three quarters of the way round he put the arrow above the score zone, resulting in no score. Until that point he had been going really well, then everything changed.


Liam Crawford has been working hard with coach Alastair Smedley, and improved his score on last week by over 140 points. Well done Liam.


The third round will be held on Saturday 17 August, starting at 1.30pm. Visitors are welcome between 10.30am and 12 noon; and equipment will be available.

Eco Shoot Scores (max 800): Brett Hodgman 772, Karen Smedley 770, Alastair Smedley 764, Ken Smith 756, Glen Freeman 700, Liam Crawford 700, Cec Apps 698, Ray McManus 546.
Totally pinched from the Argus , Thanks Karen.
this coming weekend will see a group of die hard's head off to Gunnedah
Cheers Tea bag

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