Sunday, March 13, 2011

ABA 3 Arrow Round 12/3/11

Hi all. Those of you who read last weeks missive will hopefully remember that Old Fart finally beat Grandad not just beat him but thrashed him by the almost unheard of margin of 14 points, the down side of this thrashing was totally unexpected & resulted in Grandad losing his bounce when he walked, his demure nature vanished but worst of all the twinkle in his eye was no where to be found. This turn of events really saddened Old Fart. As a result of the above Old Fart is proud to announce that the status quo has again been restored. Grandad in a display of incredable bravery crept passed Old Fart and beat him ( yet again) by the smallest of margins, a margin so small as to be almost inconsequential. Old fart believes that to be beaten by this small a margin is nearly as good as a win but has the side effect of restoring Grandads demure nature. The bounce is once again in evidence,but best of all the twinkle has returned at about 4 million candlepower. All these benefits and all it took was a narrow win of 14 points. Mrs Ussher & her mother, bless her heart, arrived to do their annual cleaning, I have never seen two people do so much in so much time and still be happy at the end. To both of you thank you so much.
Members started on the working bee straight after the shoot and today are the final touch ups.
We had a new prospective member arrive. Ilia has just relocated to the area from Toowoomba in Queensland. Ilia welcome not only to the club but enjoy your stay in this beautiful part of the world. Several target sponsorships have been sold and members are asking their bosses which is really nice. 18 archers turned up to try their luck, 19 actually but poor old feathers broke his 1986 American and went home to see what repairs he could make. Scores for the day were really very good and are as follows:-
Strings Bruce and Real name Martin 388, Don't tie with me Brett 386, Thongs Shane 384, DJ Gene 378, Coins Alastair & Wheels Jacob 376, Grandad Cec 374, Sponge Tim & hitchhiker Dion 372, Karate Matt 370, Don't mention me Steve & BP Glenn 368, Old Fart 360, Justin 292. Old Dryfire 276. I48 Ilia 222
Steve told me 6 people passed their BPC well done. Finally next week is our hosting of the Zone E shoot Best of luck to everybody.
Cheers Old Fart


  1. it didnt take long for a name there old fart but u need to change dion to cabbage patch he will know why cheers see ya on the weekend

  2. mike mite have to have the April meeting this Sat while the ABA shoot is fresh in our heads and the Coaching course is that weekend and Brett Alistair and myself will be attending the course and wont be at the meeting cheers Darrin
