Monday, August 6, 2012

400 score day unbelievable 4/8/12

Hi all, sorry this is late we had family commitments yesterday and when we got home the bushfire behind us was really close, the valley was full of smoke and we could see the flames roaring away. I guestimate about 500-700meters away. We could hear the crackle and hear trees falling plus the hills were a lovely orange glow. We readied the car and caravan, worked out who would drive what and to where, Got a few clothes ready and made a mental note about the computers plus photo albums brought the dog inside, Plus slept in our clothes just in case. Nothing like a real situation to make you focus on what's important to you. This morning we can still see smoke, but a heavy dew plus cold night have helped. Hopefully we wont have any wind.
Saturday was shot in true Olympic spirit we had 22 shooters turn up and everybody seemed to have a good time. Flight 1 is the highest grade you can get in our sport if you use sights, whilst we all strive for that goal only a few make it. I think our club has 3 senior and 1 junior flight 1 shooters. You need to get over 380 several times to obtain this grade.
Now Cola Karen has been knocking at the door and this week returned a PB of 388. Her excitement was palpable  as not only was it a solid flight 1 but is usually enough to win the day. Karens eyes darted to the board every time a top archer returned. Her husband Alastair was first with a 386, Brett was next with a 384 , things were looking good Dion had a bad shoot, so that left only Feathers Dave, who has been running hot over the last few weeks. Dave's  was the last score posted, followed by stunned silence, then a ripple of excitement and loud long applause.
I looked at the board blinked, clapped and stood stunned. Feathers Dave had just returned a perfect score 400 out of 400. It was also a PB. As far as I know this is only the second time this has been done at our club in many many years and the first one on the Goanna range. Alastair has achieved this feat on the anthill range.
There are so many variables in archery that 400 is really a very hot score and everything has to go right on the day.
Dave congratulations from us all, really well done.
Scores:- Feathers Dave 400 PB, Cola Karen 388 PB, Coins Alastair 386, Don't tie with me Brett 384, Grandad Cec 382, Don't mention me Steve 370, Martin Mcfly 366, Cupcake Gloria 362, BP Glenn 354, Hitchhiker Dion 334, Chris 312, Old yellow peg Stewart 282, Butcher Pete 270, Fingers Ray 242, BC Liam 244 PB, Jake 222, Baily 208, Leach Bait Bruce 182, Hoppy Josh 180, Jacob & Nic 116, Shannon 106,
Cheers all Tea bag

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